Success Associates Career Services

Job Search Success Team


Success Teams Help You:

Join our Job Search Success Team

When you look for work by yourself, isolation, inexperience, and shaky morale hold you back. Success Teams use Career Synergetics® a powerful team approach to help you realize your career potential. Our Job Search Success Team focuses on improving your resume and Linkedin profile, increasing your networking outreach, sharpening your interviewing skills, developing a list of target companies, and accomplishing this in a fun and supportive environment. Each week goals are set, skills imparted, and time set aside for feedback and skill building.

Our small group of 10 meets on 6 consecutive Tuesday afternoons from 1:00 to 3:00 pm EST on Zoom. Each participant will receive a binder containing valuable career and job search handouts and a copy of Martin Yate’s Knock ‘em Dead: The Ultimate Job Search Guide.

Each week we'll discuss crucial job search skills with practice time to develop your own networking and interviewing skills. We end by sharing resources and setting goals for the next week. Over the course of the class Linkedin Profiles and resumes are critiqued, job search stresses analyzed and overcome, and Buddies assigned to provide support and help between sessions.

This process has been tested by hundreds of participants over the past six years and it works! There will also be homework assignments and each person is asked to prepare and present material in small group settings for the benefit of the whole group.

If your job search is losing steam, our group will fire you up and provide the momentum you need to land a job. Participants are expected to attend all 6 sessions and are encouraged to join a “Job Search Buddy Group” for ongoing work. You’ll find yourself working harder, enjoying it more and landing sooner.


Larry Elle, career coach
Larry Elle, MSW, a Certified Career & Job Transition Coach, former WIND Networking Facilitator, who pioneered Success Teams at Boston area outplacement centers.
Myrna Kesselman
Myrna Kesselman, a career and business coach, educator and entrepreneur.